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Ground 8 Rent Arrears Claims
Ground 8 Rent Arrears claims – “at the date of the hearing” means just that. It doesn’t mean in the days before. I’ve been a County Court Advocate for over 9 years now. Most of the cases I deal with at Court is in relation to residential possession cases and in most...
The Importance of Checking Dates and Allowing Extra Time for Service
I have just returned from a court hearing where I was instructed to represent a landlord seeking possession of a residential property due to serious rent arrears. The possession order was granted, but it was a close call, highlighting the critical importance of...
Service of the Claim Form – Rule 6.9 – How it can go wrong!
Service of the Claim Form is one of the first steps that must be taken in any litigation. It is not only one of the first steps but to start a claim, it is in my view, the most important step as getting it wrong can result in a claim being deemed null and void. The...
Forms, Allocation, Evidence, Settlement and Mediation
The Directions Questionnaire After filing a defence, the court will send questionnaires to all parties to help determine the next steps for the claim. This form is labelled N180. The parties should think about whether the claim can be settled without a trial, where...
The Small Claims Track – Starting or Defending a Claim
To file your claim, you'll need to fill out form N1. The information in the claim form should match the details provided in your letter of claim if you have sent one. This includes information about the parties involved, court details, a brief description of the...
The Small Claims Track – Letters of Claim & Letters of Response
The English court system encourages parties to attempt to resolve disputes through pre-claim correspondence. If you intend to take legal action against someone, you should first write to them outlining the legal basis for your claim. This should include relevant...
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