The purpose of parking charges and contractual signs in car parks is to deter drivers from breaching them but to also to ensure that other drivers and the parking company and the car park itself isn’t inconvenienced.

We were involved in a recent case in which the driver had parked over the white lines. This had potentially stopped another driver from parking in the space next to it, which meant that the Shopping Centre the car park was at could not receive that one extra customer. The driver appealed this and refused to pay and our client, the parking company, won.

Contrary to belief, these cases do go to court.

A lot of resources are involved for a sum of approx. £100 but they do go to court and drivers who refuse to pay need to be aware of this.

Private companies are allowed to charge when you enter a car park. There should be signs however, and these signs are a contract.

So, when you enter the car park you have an opportunity to read the contract. If you disagree with what has been written on the contract you can drive away, or by parking your car there and staying, you are accepting the terms of the contract.

In this parking case, one of the terms was ‘you must park your car within the lines.’ And, the case was £160. £100 for the parking charge plus £60 recovery costs.

If you breach the contract, you do have to pay.

As always, any questions or support with the above please email us at: or phone 0151 230 8931.