The Microchipping of Cats and Dogs (England) Regulations 2023
This new law is due to come into force on the 16th May 2023.
It’s been compulsory for dogs to be microchipped since 2015, but this new law consolidates that regulation, so instead of The Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2015, it’s now The Microchipping of Cats and Dogs Regulations 2023.
This regulation imposes a duty for every owner of a dog or a cat to get them microchipped, and the regulation also states that if you buy or sell a cat or a dog, i.e transfer the ownership, the transfer is not complete until the new keeper has updated their details on the database. You could liken this to when you buy or sell a vehicle, the new keeper has to update the details with the DVLA.
The only exceptions to the new regulations are if a vet certifies that the cat or dog should not be microchipped, relating to the health of that animal. Then back on the subject of changing ownership – a cat or dog cannot be transferred unless it has been microchipped.
The new owner, or in fact the old owner, must record details of the new owner on the database. This includes the full name, address and telephone number. If you fail to microchip a cat or dog and you get served a notice to do so, and you fail to do so, you can be fined up to £2500.
This law is coming into force 21 days after the 25th April 2023, but only relation to dogs. The old law relating to dogs effectively stays in place, and this new relating to cats only comes into force on the 10thn June 2024, and applies to England only.
For support on this matter, please call us on 0151 230 8931 or email